Megan Mack joins me at On Listening. Improvisational Theatre has changed both of us for the better. We feel we are better listeners, responding more immediately to what others say. Of course we find Improv super fun as well. Yesterday we discussed how we might be able to use improv to help people with assertiveness training, and talked about how attempting to listen to the assertive parts of our personality can help us be more confident step through fear. And that was just part of it all. Listen ahead so you know what to say when you find Megan Mack mopping a floor. 

Rochester is blessed with Connections on WXXI radio and to have Megan and her Host Evan Dawson in town. 

Keep listening, and share share share with your friends and on Social Media. Rate the show on Apple podcasts and other sites so others know to tune in. Here is the OnListening Youtube channel - the best access for shows with ASL interpretation. Her episode will be released soon. 

Thank you all so much!

Dan Rosen