On Listening Podcast

On Listening Podcast

On Listening is an exploration of listening in all its forms. Our guests will take you on an auditory journey to deepen your appreciation of listening. Experts in a variety of fields as well as everyday people will share their insights and experiences listening to others, to their own bodies, to data, and to themselves.

People often strive to listen better, more skillfully, less hurriedly. We will explore how people listen, what listening is biologically, the benefits of listening, tools and tricks for better listening, listening to our bodies, listening to music, ASMR and more. We may also explore if there is a  “dark side” of listening.

Email Dan@onlistening.net with an audio recording of you. These are easy to make on a voice recorder.  Start with: "This is (your name) and I authorize this recording for On Listening and other productions" and then make your voice heard!

Your Host, 
Daniel Rosen, LCSW-R, CST 

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